Every Business Can Learn and Implement Groupon’s Marketing Secret

by | Email Marketing



It’s pretty impressive to boast a 1,475% growth in just one year. It’s equally amazing to have grown faster than Amazon, Google and eBay. Oh and being valued at $25 billion is cool too. But what impresses me the most about Groupon is that my wife likes to read their daily emails. I asked why and she replied, “They’re funny.”

Wait a minute?! Did you catch that? My wife, who doesn’t read blogs, e-newsletters or unsolicited emails, has given this company permission to send her ads every day.

And why…because they’re funny. Yes, she is also interested in finding a good deal, but there are lots of good deals out there. In fact there are thousands of companies who have tried to email deals to their customers’ inbox, like Groupon has, and have failed. As consumers we call that spam and we don’t think it’s funny.

What does any of this have to do with you, a business owner?

It has everything to do with you. if you’re in business then you know how important marketing is. And Groupon has proven email marketing, written in a conversational style, is super effective. Yes Twitter and Facebook are great tools but they pale in comparison to email marketing. So my question to you is this:

What are your current or future plans for email marketing?

I’m not suggesting you sign up with Groupon. I’m suggesting that you start to build your customer database and learn how to connect with them on a personal level like Groupon has done. If you’ve never experimented with email marketing you don’t know what you’re missing. And if you have and you felt like a spammer chances are you were trying to sell all the time and neglected the relationship building part.

You have two options…

As I see it you have two options. You can hire a professional writer(Groupon employs over 400 writers and editors) or you can do it yourself. If you’re interested in the latter I would suggest reading Copyblogger’s free Email Marketing series here.


About Josh Monen

Josh is a direct response copywriter and marketing strategist who makes a living by achieving remarkable results for his clients. His unique understanding of human psychology and marketing principles make him a valuable asset to the clients he serves.