I hate cluttered desks. I try to keep my work area as neat as possible. So when I post a sticky note on my monitor it has to be for a good reason. I don’t have more than one sticky note up at a time either.
Sometimes I don’t have any. So do you want to know what my current sticky note reads? It’s only four words.
Write to one person.
It reminds me that when I’m writing I’m not just throwing out words into cyberspace in hopes that someone, somewhere will eventually read it.
Instead I think of someone I know and I write to that one person. I’m doing that right now. I’m thinking of a small business owner in my town who wants to learn how to grow her business with content marketing.
3 benefits of writing to one person
When you write to one person you accomplish at least three things.
1. Your copywriting is consistent
Here’s what I mean by consistent. If you write to a group in one sentence and then suddenly start talking to one person It confuses the reader. Your reader may begin to think, is he talking to me or to us?
So who should you write to? I’d answer that with this questions:
Who is your target audience?
Do you sell insurance policies? Then write to an insured. Do you sell used cars? The write to one of your buyers. Do you provide a plumbing service? Then write to a homeowners you know.
Whatever business you’re in you have a target audience. And I find that a real person is easier for me to write to than a fictitious one, perhaps you’re better at developing characters than I am but that’s what works best for me.
2. Your copywriting connects
When you write with someone in mind you’ll say things in a more personal way. Now if you’re writing a brochure or a billboard ad you may not want to be so personal but blogging, writing online and newsletters all require that conversational style.
This ties in with our previous lesson about writing like you talk. When you intentionally write to one person your tone will more closely resemble how you would really say it in real life. Plus it gets you thinking about what’s important and not important to this person.
3. You escape the temptation to please everyone
You’ve heard the saying, “When you try to please everyone you please no one,” well it’s true. It’s natural to want to be accepted and liked by everyone but we all know that’s not how real life works. And the more you try to please everyone the more you sacrifice your authentic voice to your particular tribe.
Remember, the internet has changed marketing. The old way of marketing (shouting to as many people, as loud as possible) doesn’t work very well. New marketing isn’t about interrupting as many people as you can with your message. Instead it’s about connecting with a small, but interested, group in a meaningful way.
You want fans not just customers. A small group of loyal fans will accomplish more marketing than you could ever accomplish on your own. People are going to trust their friends advice over any marketing message. So remember this when you write. Don’t fall into the trap of speaking to everyone. Understand that not everyone will like you and get over it.
Find out who your target audience is. Now think of one person in that audience and start writing.
About Josh Monen
Josh is a direct response copywriter and marketing strategist who makes a living by achieving remarkable results for his clients. His unique understanding of human psychology and marketing principles make him a valuable asset to the clients he serves.