by Josh Monen | | Copywriting
It’s not a secret. I haven’t posted anything on here since Oct 10, 2011. That’s 82 days ago! So as a full-time copywriter why have I neglected my own blog? I’m glad you asked. Sit back and I’ll tell you what’s been going through my head and why I decided to revive...
by Josh Monen | | Copywriting
Disclaimer Before we get started I want to be upfront and tell you who this post IS and who it is NOT intended for. It’s not for anyone who just wants to improve their copywriting skills. I write a lot of those posts but this is not one of them. Today I want to...
by Josh Monen | | Copywriting, Writing
When you write for a living you don’t have the luxury of waiting until you’re “inspired” to write. You write and meet client deadlines or you starve. There’s no third option. If you fail to deliver on time then you convey an unspoken...
by Josh Monen | | Copywriting, Writing
In my last post I talked about why it’s so important to know how to write good headlines. Today I’m going to share three practical tips on writing headlines. Every successful copywriter understands the power of a well written headline. If the headline...
by Josh Monen | | Copywriting
If you want excel as a copywriter you MUST master the art of writing good headlines. But before I give you professional advice about writing headlines I have a question for you… Do you know what the purpose of a headline is? If you said anything other than,...
by Josh Monen | | Copywriting
I hate cluttered desks. I try to keep my work area as neat as possible. So when I post a sticky note on my monitor it has to be for a good reason. I don’t have more than one sticky note up at a time either. Sometimes I don’t have any. So do you want to know what my...